Here it is. My new comic strip! It was drawn using my computer and a drawing tablet. Yes, my first fully digital comic! These three characters have been doodled off and on for a long time. This format is the perfect place to show their zany antics to you. This comic strip is sort of an exercise in just doing fun little mini situations. I hope you will enjoy them.
Fuzzy Fellows
10 comics.
I actually drew this comic strip before the “Hello” comic strip. I wanted to see if doing a bunch of panels like this would work. I liked the results. Hence, the new comic strip was born.
Frank is still being put through the ringer with someone laughing in the background. Always liked how a cartoon character would all the sudden have a large object or device out of thin air. Little bit of a cliff hanger in this comic strip.
This was a really fun strip to do. I had this idea in mind since the beginning. Crew gave it his all here.
Crew went into a bit of a power slide to try and celebrate his number. We will never know if he was right.