Rick Hopper: (13) Talk Fast May14 by Chris K on May 14, 2012 at 12:01 am Chapter: Rick Hopper 2238 Even on a far away planet they know about the A.A.A.C. They are the good guys! Share this:ShareFacebookTwitterReddit └ Tags: Even, supplies Related Comics ¬ Rick Hopper: (12) Discovered Rick Hopper: (11) Sneaking In
Oh yeah, the “Triple ‘A’ ‘C’, that’s a catchy acronym.
It’s what criminals say when caught. Aaac!
I thought it was the Australian Association of Artists and Cartoonists.
Not bad. I am sure there could be a bunch of different names one can use.
Anonymous.Alcoholics.Alien.Catchers 🙂
Drunk Aliens beware!
The AAAC…..The Asiatic Association of Amalgamated Contortionists?
… though Agency Against Arch Criminals is way cooler!
Ha, ha, now that is a mouthful to say!
With all that fast talk, I’m just happy he didn’t leave out an “A”!
If he lost an “A” he could always borrow one from The Fonz. 🙂
These were the top AAAC Google results…
Albion Antique Auction Centre
Association of Australian Acoustical Consultants
Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants
Antarctic Astronomy Advisory Committee
Ha, ha. That is awesome.
Animals Against Artificial Cheese
Natural is the best!