Putting an antenna that receives a control signal on top of a robot; not the best idea. For some reason this strip was never published in the college newspaper. I redrew it later in small scale, so I would know what happens to the Robot.
Putting an antenna that receives a control signal on top of a robot; not the best idea. For some reason this strip was never published in the college newspaper. I redrew it later in small scale, so I would know what happens to the Robot.
I guess he’s a crack shot, then?
It was a pretty impressive shot. 🙂
You know it’s action packed when a word takes up an entire frame.
Big action requires a Big word! 🙂
Right between the eye slots! Good work, Rick!
Almost like making a Field Goal!
There’s never a need to run when you know where to shoot!
Being a good shot is still valuable in the 23rd century.
I’m glad he such superb aim. It pays to be a crackshot instead of a crackpot. 🙂
And a good thing Rick did not crack up or he would have been cracked out. uhm.. not sure if that phrase quite worked. 🙂
That’s some good aiming. 🙂
It does have a tiny little crosshair to help him out. 🙂
NICE! he definitely got him in the bulls eye!
There’s always a weak spot somewhere. Rick sure is the man!!!
Although it does seem a waste of such an awesome robot warrior.