OZW – 012: Fish Food Oct13 by Chris K on October 13, 2011 at 12:01 am Chapter: One Zany WorldCharacters: Charlie, Zork Slightly different look for this strip. I wanted to do a comic with a large panel. Share this:ShareFacebookTwitterReddit └ Tags: Fish, Presents, Things, Watermelon Related Comics ¬ OZW – 019: Waking Up OZW – 069: Diner Surpise OZW – 063: Giving Orders OZW – 022: Breakfast Surprise OZW – 061: The Stare Down
Hey, at least he tried. 😀
That’s true. Zork did put some effort in it.
Hey, who can say ‘no’ to watermelon? It’s good for you!
It is indeed a healthy fruit.
that there is using the old melon.
Always love a bad pun.
Well, it is a WATERmellon. Animals in the water should like it.
Great point. It should work that way.
Looks like those fish are in for a rare treat. I hope they know to spit out the seeds!
That would be a good trick to see fish do that.
They are only small fish with small teeth, he could’ve at least sliced it up for them. Lucky they aren’t Pirana or Zork may have chucked the cat in.
I think slicing it up would probably have been too much work for Zork. If it was Piranha in the tank, I wonder if they would munch on the watermelon.
Is it bad to add water to watermelon?
You would think it would be a good idea.
Damien Hirst could probably sell that for several million dollars!
Ah ha. I just googled Damien Hirst and learned something new today.
It’s too bad that doesn’t work. You’d only have to feed them the one time. Haha! I think the hallway painting of space is funny for some reason.
Thanks, yeah it seemed like an appropriate painting to have with aliens living in your house.
I’d say it’s the thought that counts. And hey! it can make a nice aquarium decoration…?
It certainly would be a very unique decoration.