Any chance to use floating eyeballs in a comic strip is always cool. On most of the reptiles, I tried to use real patterns and colors of actual snakes.
Any chance to use floating eyeballs in a comic strip is always cool. On most of the reptiles, I tried to use real patterns and colors of actual snakes.
A high credit card bill can turn ones hair white from horror.
It sure can.
Not to mention all the PPV they order
Hmm, I wonder what movies aliens enjoy watching?
Love that ending, Chris! I’m pretty fearful of my bills..
It can be very scary, especially if there are items on there you didn’t purchase yourself.
Asps. Very dangerous.
You go first!
Sallah was the only smart one. He did not go down into the pit of snakes until after Indiana Jones cleared a path.
Our Chris gets upset when he sees his credit card bill, too. I’m not sure why. Aerospace components aren’t really very expensive.
Ha, I think Charlie and Chris have a couple things in common. They actually also both seem to like red shirts with a big strip on them. 🙂
I never realized that. Maybe they’re related!
I suffer from creditcardphobia myself!
I think there might be more than a couple people out there that would feel the same.
Wait till the pizza & beer bill arrives.
Ha, yeah, the food bill probably also not gonna be something Charlie is going to want to look at either.
Man, you did a very good job on those snakes. They look quite lifelike.
Thanks, George. I figured by trying to color them after real snakes it would make a big difference.
I think some fears just transcend space and time!
Across the cosmos no one likes to pay a large bill.
Bills are the scariest thing in the world. My mail comes through a slot by our front door. I will stop in my foot tracks if I see it coming in, I will get up against the wall, and creep slowly to the pile of mail hoping for no bills.
It is basically Russian Roulette. You know eventually it will be in the mail, but you hope just not that day. 🙂
Those snake drawings freak me out. A bill I can handle. But snakes, NO WAY!!
I don’t mind snakes (as long as not poisonous), but I know that it is one of the top common fears out there.
Yeah, I hate when that happens…
Unexpected expenses never good.